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Category Archives: Health

10 benefits of garlic that we want you to eat every day

Garlic pork, garlic chicken, stir-fried basil, stir-fried vegetables, chili paste, and many other Thai foods that have ” garlic ” as an ingredient. And it’s not just Thai food. Foods all over the world also use garlic as an ingredient, although when eaten fresh it has a spicy taste

9 good benefits from “walnuts” for weight loss and cholesterol

9 good benefits from “walnuts” for weight loss and cholesterol Cholesterol is the main cause of many different illnesses, including obesity. Fat clogs arteries. high blood pressure Coronary artery disease and many others, therefore controlling cholesterol in the body Therefore helping to make the body strong. Free from dozens of illnesses

Cracked Skin And How To Take Care Of It For Beauty

Cracked Skin And How To Take Care Of It For Beauty Stretch marks, one of the skin problems that bother you girls. Can often be found in the chest, armpits, stomach, back, cheeks, buttocks, thighs and groin. It will look like lines and traces of cracks. Which,

Collagen Helps To Strengthen Skin Health.

Collagen Helps To Strengthen Skin Health. Many people may know. But not everyone knows that. Collagen is beneficial for skin health. It may help strengthen, resilience and hydration of the skin. But with increasing age comes a deteriorating body. The production therefore decreases as well. As a result, skin problems occur

Excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis)

Excessive sweating (Hyperhidrosis) Hyperhidrosis is a condition in which the body produces more sweat than it needs. This is because the body’s temperature-lowering mechanism is more sensitive to stimulation and the number of sweat glands is higher than normal. Causing to produce 3-4 times more sweat than normal

What Does Sweating Tell You About Your Health?

What Does Sweating Tell You About Your Health? Sweating is a normal thing that we have to deal with every day. The more you live in a tropical country like us, the environment around you or the activities you do each day will provoke you to